Welcome Message from Chairman

A warm welcome to The African Corporate Governance Network (ACGN) website.

ACGN is a collaborative network of director membership organizations that promote effective corporate governance on the African continent. We look forward to having you partner with us in the development of the institutional capacity of ACGN members towards enhancing effective corporate governance practices and building better private and public sector organizations and corporate citizens in Africa.

This website seeks to provide you detailed information about the activities of ACGN from onboarding as an institutional member through to our Influence Network Education and Research (INER) Activities. These Activities include Capacitation of member Institutions to be best corporate governance influencers on the continent for the benefit of organizations and Stakeholders and for the prosperity of Africa.

It is our hope that your journey with us would be fruitful and mutually beneficial as you support ACGN values by becoming a member, sponsor or partner for the advancement of best Corporate Governance practices and Culture




Advocacy- influencing policy


Collaboration – Connecting Peers)


Capacity Building (Developing Director Knowledge and Skills)


Informing Debate

Our Vision

To commit to effective corporate governance and ethical leadership across the continent  

Our Mission

To develop the capacity of the ACGN Members and other stakeholders towards enhanced and more effective corporate governance practices aimed at building better private and public sector organizations and becoming good corporate citizens in Africa”  



INFLUENCE (Advocacy- influencing policy)

ACGN capacitates member institutes to promote and implement good corporate governance as an instrumental tool in both achieving investor confidence and attracting investment. Corporate governance codes and principles which should be supported by proper legislative frameworks and overall good governance

ACGN’s advocacy role to increase public awareness and assert the principles and standards of corporate governance - discerning and assessing issues on which an ACGN stance is needed, and prepare and recommend appropriate statements, strategies and courses of action, collaborating with other professional organizations as necessary

ACGN’s advocacy role to increase public awareness and assert the principles and standards of corporate governance - discerning and assessing issues on which an ACGN stance is needed, and prepare and recommend appropriate statements, strategies and courses of action, collaborating with other professional organizations as necessary.

Value addition includes; 

  • Opportunities to influence national culture and policy
  • Alignment with Think Tanks such as AU, AfCTA, NEPAD etc
  • Publicity in Continental Media Outlets and Newsletters ETC
  • Opportunities for Companies and their commitments to be profiled
  • Increasing visibility and improving reputation
  • Leveraging off Sponsorship opportunities from Continental Strength
  • Platform for participating in policy dialogue
  • Offers opportunities for collective action
  • Policy influenced as a result of private sector having a voice through early discussions with policy makers
  • Benefit from influence of ACGN Ambassadors such as Mervyn King

NETWORK (Collaboration – Connecting Peers)

ACGN Facilitates dialogue among corporates, investors, auditors, regulators and other participants across the entire financial eco- system – To embed strong corporate governance practices in the decision-making processes in African business organisations

Network Value addition includes;

  • Invitation to ACGN meetings and conferences
  • Sharing experiences and best practices within the network
  • Events and forums, held in association with other member organisations and stakeholder groups, focusing on corporate governance, anti-corruption, ethics & capital markets
  • Networking at a domestic, regional and continental level 
    • Excellence Awards
    • Membership Engagement

EDUCATION - Capacity Building (Developing Director Knowledge and Skills)

Capacitation of Institutional members for individual and institutional capacity to develop senior executives, directors and institutes of directors and/or corporate governance in ethical leadership and good corporate governance

Education Value addition includes;

  • Capacity development - Access to experts and trainers for capacity building initiatives 
  • ACGN facilitation of Train the trainer programs to enabling an African Pool of Trainers
  • Access to local insight with members knowledge of local customs, cultural practices, languages and the local business, investment and political environment •
  •  Access to corporate governance expertise and services in building Boards, Directors training, Board evaluations etc
  • Collaboration with Universities and Continental Strategic groupings, AU, AfCTA, NEPAD, APRM, etc
  • ACGN positioning itself to enable access to African Directors through its Institutional members

RESEARCH (Informing Debate)

ACGN Develops and make available useful and consistent research on corporate governance in Africa. Research can assist in informing the direction of initiatives requiring advocacy intervention.

Research Value addition includes;

  • Linkages with Research Institutions and Universities 
  • National and Continental affairs
  • Issue of Position papers and publication of articles
  •  Access to research reports related to corporate governance in Africa 
  • Opportunities to collaborate on research and related projects
  • Opportunities to participate and highlight your knowledge and expertise through ACGN communication channels.