
Become a Member Today

The Members of the ACGN is limited to any corporate entity, business association or organization that subscribes to ACGN values and ideals with each Member having one vote each on all matters relating to the ACGN at the AGM

Need to Know About ACGN Membership

1Who can join ACGN?
Membership is open to any deserving corporate entity, business association, or organization, which subscribes to the ACGN values and ideals.
2Who takes decisions to accept new members?
The decision to admit new Members is taken by the Board with a simple majority vote. To ensure transparency, a written record on admission deliberations shall be kept by the Board.
3How do members show their membership>
Each Member must post a notice of ACGN Membership on its website, providing a contact email for correspondence. Such Notice of ACGN Membership should use wordings agreed upon by the Board.